Embroidery is a decorative stitching based on enumeration of cloth fibers on which is applied. Ornaments' execution with needle on the cloth surface is an old trade. Herodot mentioned the customs of Trakia peasants in adornment of their clothes. The most development of embroidery art in Moldova keeps to medieval epoch. In the national art the applied decoration it was mainly practiced on fine cloths made of flax or cotton. Initially delicate stitches with multiple possibilities of decoration were used for embellishment of cloths' parts and in the XIX century they extended to interior cloth items. Ornamentation through stitching is fulfilled by a large range of dots, some of them of local tradition and others as a result of orders from boundary regions. The technique system of stitching follow the cloth texture on which is applied, respecting straight lines of yarn fibers and cloth basis. The stitching dots are composed of a succession of straight, horizontal or oblique lines and the pattern results from their combination. Due to its' structure stitching the technique combines well esthetic visuals of Romanian people that prefer geometric and schematic genre. In the national art of Basarabia Romanians artistic stitching is an important factor in the decor of traditional cloths and out of them the shirt is the most ornamented thing. The fabric on which the embroidery is applied is made of hemp or cotton. For embroidery were used cotton twist yarn and improved cotton.
Besides that the golden and silvered thread are also used in embroidery. Classified accordingly to their functional place in the ornamental composition and to manufacturing technique stitches can grouped in places of functional character and in places of decorative character. Functional stitches serve for joining the cloth sheets or for their trimming. Tacking, stitch, festoon, bar belong to category of functional dots.
Decoration is applied in such way as to underline the cutting lines and body's features. The main ornamental fields of national dresses are applied around neck, on shoulders, on breast, and on lower side of skirt. The embroidery chromatics usually is clean-cut, in case the vivid traces the contrast is Well equilibrated and quite. The main used colors are: red, black, blue, less dark-red, Green or brown.